Jianjia Yu, PhD
Assistant Professor
Chemical Engineering
- 264 Jones Hall, 801 Leroy Pl, New Mexico Tech, NM 87801
- jianjia.yu@hitchedhike.com
- 575 - 835 - 5278
Research Areas:
- Hollow fiber membrane design, fabrication and performance evaluation
- Desalination and resource recovery from high-salinity brines
- Produced water treatment
- Gas separation and purification
- Carbon capture
- Nanoparticles stabilized CO2 foam
Awards and Honors:
- NA
- L. Zou, X. Zhang, P. Gusnawan, G. Zhang, J. Yu*, Crosslinked PVDF based hydrophilic-
hydrophobic dual-layer hollow fiber membranes for direct contact membrane
distillation desalination: from the seawater to oilfield produced water, Journal of
Membrane Science, 619 (2021) 118802. - L. Zou, G. Zhang, J. Yu, Desirable PVDF hollow fiber membrane engineered with
synergism between small molecular weight additives for DCMD treating of a hypersaline
brine, Journal of Water Process Engineering 45 (2022) 102345. - G. Zhang, J. Yu, Effect of commonly used EOR polymers on low concentration surfactant
phase behaviors, Fuel, 286 (2021) 119465. - L. Zou, Y. Zhang, J. Yu, S. Zha, R. Guan, S. Jiang, Study of a poly(vinylidene
fluoride)/hydrophobic silica sol hybrid hollow fiber membrane for treatment of
produced water via direct contact membrane distillation, Journal of Water Process
Engineering 44 (2021) 102345. - G. Zhang, J. Yu, Effect of commonly used EOR polymers on low concentration surfactant
phase behaviors, Fuel, 286 (2021) 119465. - P. Gusnawan, S. Ganegamage, M. Heagy, J. Yu*, Reactive CO 2 absorption mechanism of
a soybean-based (SBB) solvent containing 18 amino acid salts in polyvinylidene fluoride
(PVDF) hollow fiber membrane-based gas-liquid membrane contactor, Chemical
Engineering Journal, 399 (2020) 125819. - L. Zou, P. Gusnawan, G. Zhang, J. Yu*, Study of the effective thickness of the water-
intrudable hydrophilic layer in dual-layer hydrophilic-hydrophobic hollow fiber
membranes for direct contact membrane distillation, Journal of Membrane Science, 615
(2020) 118552. - P.J. Gusnawan, L. Zou, G. Zhang, J. Yu*, Regeneration Behavior of a Sustainable
Bioinspired Soybean-Based Solvent for CO 2 Capture, ACS Sustainable Chemistry &
Engineering, 8 (2020) 3929-3937. - L. Zou, P. Gusnawan, Y.-B. Jiang, G. Zhang, J. Yu*, Macrovoid-Inhibited PVDF Hollow
Fiber Membranes via Spinning Process Delay for Direct Contact Membrane Distillation,
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020) 28655-28668. - Lusi Zou, Pri Gusnawan, Guoyin Zhang, Jianjia Yu*. Novel Janus composite hollow fiber
membrane-based direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) process for produced
water desalination. Journal of Membrane Science (2020) 597:117756. - Pri Gusnawan, Lusi Zou, Guoyin Zhang, Jianjia Yu*. Performance and stability of a bio-
inspired soybean-based solvent for CO 2 capture from flue gas. Chemical Engineering
Journal (2020) 385: 123908. - Pri J Gusnawan, Shangwen Zha, Lusi Zou, Guoyin Zhang, Jianjia Yu*. “Soybean and
moringa based green biosolvents for low-concentration CO 2 capture via a hollow fiber
membrane contactor”. Chemical Engineering Journal (2018) 335:631. - Shangwen Zha, Jianjia Yu*, Guoyin Zhang, Ning Liu and Robert Lee. Polyethersulfone
(PES)/Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Hybrid Hollow Fiber Membranes for Organic
Matter Removal from Produced Water. SPE Journal (2017) 22: 1478. - Shangwen Zha, Pri J Gusnawan, Jiajin Lin, Guoyin Zhang, Ning Liu, Jianjia Yu*.
“Integrating a novel TS-af-HFM NF process for portable treatment of oilfield produced
water”. Chemical Engineering Journal (2017) 311: 203. - San, S. Wang, J. Yu, N. Liu, R. Lee. “Nanoparticle-Stabilized Carbon Dioxide Foam Used
in Enhanced Oil Recovery: Effect of Different Ions and Temperatures”. SPE Journal
(2017) 22: 1416. - Shangwen Zha, Pri J Gusnawan, Guoyin Zhang, Ning Liu, Robert Lee, Jianjia Yu*.
“Experimental study of PES/SiO 2 based TFC hollow fiber membrane modules for oilfield
produced water desalination with low-pressure nanofiltration process”. Journal of
Industry and Engineering Chemistry (2016) 44: 118. - Shangwen Zha, Guoyin Zhang, Noel Dawson, Jianjia Yu*, Ning Liu, Robert Lee. “Study of
PVDF/Si-R hybrid hollow fiber membranes for removal of dissolved organics from
produced water by membrane adsorption”, Separation and Purification Technology
(2016)163:290. - Sai Wang, Jingshan San, Jianjia Yu, Ning Liu. “A downhole CO 2 sensor to monitor CO 2
movement in situ for geologic carbon storage”, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas
Control (2016) 55, 202. - Munawar Khalil, Sai Wang, Jianjia Yu, Robert L Lee, Ning Liu. "Electrodeposition of
Iridium Oxide Nanoparticles for pH Sensing Electrodes" Journal of The Electrochemical
Society (2016), 163(9) - Shangwen Zha, Jianjia Yu*, Guoyin Zhang, Ning Liu, Robert Lee. Polyethersulfone
(PES)/cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) composite hollow fiber membranes for BTEX
separation from produced water. RSC Advances (2015) 5:105692. - Jianjia Yu*, Munawar Khalil, Ning Liu, Robert Lee. “Iridium oxide-based chemical
sensor for in situ pH measurement of oilfield-produced water under subsurface
conditions”, Ionics (2015) 21:855. - Jianjia Yu, Munawar Khalil, Ning Liu, Robert Lee. “Effect of particle hydrophobicity on
CO 2 foam generation and foam flow behavior in porous media”, Fuel (2014) 126:104. - Munawar Khalil, Jianjia Yu, Ning Liu, Robert Lee. “Non-aqueous modification of
synthesized hematite nanoparticles with oleic acid”, Colloids and Surfaces A:
Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (2014) 453:7. - Munawar Khalil, Jianjia Yu, Ning Liu, Robert Lee. “Hydrothermal synthesis,
characterization, and growth mechanism of hematite nanoparticles”, J Nanoparticle
Research (2014) 16:2362. - Jianjia Yu, Liangxiong Li, Ning Liu, and Robert Lee. “An approach to prepare defect-free
PES/MFI-type zeolite mixed matrix membranes for CO 2 /N 2 Separation”, Journal of
Materials Science (2013) 48:3782. - Shoulin He, Jianjia Yu, Cuihua Li, Jianhua Fang, Jing Xu, Rong Guan, “Sulfonated poly
(bis- A)-sulfones as proton exchange membranes for direct methanol fuel cell
application”. Polymer Engineering & Science (2011) 51: 264. - Jianjia Yu, Chao Dong, Jianhong Liu, Cuihua Li, Jianhua Fang, Rong Guan,
“Crosslinked sulfonated poly (bis-A)-sulfones as proton exchange membrane for PEM
fuel cell application”. Journal of Materials Science (2010) 45:1017. - Jing Xu, Jianjia Yu, Rong Guan, Jianhua Fang, “A new crosslinked sulfonated
polystyrene membrane for proton exchange membrane fuel cell”, High Performance
Polymers (2010) 22: 395. - Jing Xu, Jianjia Yu, Rong Guan, “Preparation and properties of crosslinked sulfonated
polystyrene/polyvinyl alcohol membranes”, Membrane Science and Technology (2010)
- L. Zou, G. Zhang, J. Yu*, “Janus hollow fiber membrane-based DCMD process for
desalination of high-salinity oilfield produced water”, presented at the WEFTEC 2020,
New Orleans, LA (Virtual conference). - Shangwen Zha, Guoyin Zhang, Jianjia Yu*. “Field Demonstration of a portable TS-af-HFM
nanofiltration process for the cost-effective treatment of oilfield produced water." 2nd
International conference on Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment, Las Vegas, USA,
May 22-23, 2017. - Shangwen Zha, Jianjia Yu*, Guoyin Zhang, Ning Liu and Robert Lee. Polyethersulfone
(PES)/Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Hybrid Hollow Fiber Membranes for Organic
Matter Removal from Produced Water. Paper SPE 173787-MS present at the SPE
International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry held in The Woodlands, Texas, USA,
13–15 April, 2015. -
Jianjia Yu, Sai Wang, Ning Liu and Robert Lee. “Study of Particle Structure and
Hydrophobicity Effects on the Flow Behavior of Nanoparticle-Stabilized CO 2 Foam in
Porous Media”, paper SPE169047-MS present at the Nineteenth SPE Improved Oil
Recovery Symposium held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, 12-16 April, 2014. - Di Mo, Bao Jia, Jianjia Yu, Ning Liu and Robert Lee. “Study Nanoparticle-stabilized CO 2
Foam for Oil Recovery at Different Pressure, Temperature, And Rock Samples”, paper
SPE169110-MS 12-16 April, 2014. - Jianjia Yu, Munawar Khalil, Ning Liu, and Robert Lee. "Prepare iridium oxide chemical
sensor for pH measurement at harsh conditions."; In Abstracts of Papers of the American
Chemical Society, vol. 247. 1155, 2014. - Jianjia Yu, Di Mo, Ning Liu and Robert Lee. “The Application of Nanoparticle
Stabilized CO2 Foam for Oil Recovery”, paper SPE 13OCS-162-SPE present at the SPE
International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry held in Woodlands, Texas, USA, 8-10
April, 2013. - Jianjia Yu, Cheng An, Di Mo, Ning Liu and Robert Lee. “Foam mobility control for
nanoparticle-stabilized CO 2 foam”, paper SPE 153336 presents at the Eighteenth SPE
Improved Oil Recovery Symposium held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, 14-18 April, 2012. - Jianjia Yu, Cheng An, Di Mo, Ning Liu and Robert Lee. “Study of adsorption and
transportation behavior of nanoparticles in three different porous media”, paper
SPE153337 present at the Eighteenth SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium held in
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA,14-18 April, 2012. - Jianjia Yu, Ning Liu, Liangxiong Li, Robert Lee. “Generation of nanoparticle-stabilized
supercritical CO 2 foams”, paper CMTC 150849 presents at the Carbon Management
Technology Conference held in Orlando, Florida, USA, 7-9 February, 2012. - Di Mo, Jianjia Yu, Ning Liu and Robert Lee. “Study of the effects of different factors
on nano particle stabilized CO 2 foam for mobility control”, paper SPE159282 present
at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, USA,
8-10 October, 2012. - Z. Wang, B. Lin, G. Sha, Y. Zhang, J. Y and Li Li. “A combination of biodegradation and
microfiltration for removal of oil and suspended solids from polymer-containing
produced water”, Paper SPE 140916 present at the SPE American E&P Health, Safety,
Security and Environmental Conference held in Houston, Texas, USA, 21-23 March,
- NA